
Avoiding strings of limelight, proposing to have the experience of unfaithful dives of the weather that seems unpredictable. Routes are inclined to blurr the identity of a persona.

I choose avoiding…

Efforts are consensual, rigours efforts leading to irritation, sometimes positive are portrayed as irritation. I choose to avoid, let the destiny play its game.

Why to choose destiny to play its part ?

Why can’t I be the support system for my destiny?

Why only shouting and ignorance are my weapons of defense?

Why can’t be silent weapons of destruction be my shield of unwavering tsunami?

Tsunami is going hit anyway around the clock, why can’t I learn to swim in depths ?

Why can’t I be deep sea diver ?

Challenges are going to fall anyway by defending or surrendering .

Why can’t I count the heartbeats and timeline to throw myself into the volcano of depths that might have the possibility of 1% lifeline.

Running, stretches and extra defense of tsunami is waving to shake hands giving me a hope of candle that can be a Sun.

Play last part of your schedule before jumping into the ocean of volcanic currents. Painful death is waiting for you to discover life of immense joy added flavour of chilly platters.

Materialistic realm that are philosophically just a thing. Why can’t I annouce it my way of diving through the lanes of deaths. Happiness is at its edge, if I will not chase to be a part of molecule of Happiness. It’s my fault not to run , not to die , not to dive in volcanic currents.

I have to run to touch the sun for my arrival of new game.

Too much noise is overpowering my neurons but why should I blame the noise?

I am the culprit who chose to hear the bit of noise.

I am the one who permitted the entry of fear into my subconscious.

Am I not daring enough to encircle my environment with maverick staircases.

Pain is there waiting in the arms of happiness. Pain is better half that can’t be separated from happiness. In walking through the lanes of bliss , I discovered the pain of eye catching timeless boundaries.

Some disagreements, Some discoveries…

Some time, Some lime…

Some coal, Some Diamonds…

Some learning, Some earning…

Some secrets, Some achievements…

Some spirituality, Some staircase…

Some custard, Some keto…

Some journals, Some keypads…

Some hope, Some loophole…

Some energy, Some laziness…

Some depths, Some dopamine…

Some marathons, Some wars…

Some water , Some oxygen…

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